Happy Weekend Everyone!!
I can't believe Friday is almost over - at least in this neck of the woods. I noticed tonight that since we just recently changed over to daylight savings time, it's staying lighter longer. Now, I know that's a pretty obvious statement - but it's only the beginning of April and at almost 9 pm tonight it was still light out! I'm so anxious for it to really begin to warm up and be sunny again. Today was a good start - we had sunshine - but it was still a bit chilly. Then there was this random rain shower that blew through around lunch time for about an hour or so, but then the sun was out again for the rest of the afternoon.
It's been a busy week - my middle daughter is off skiing this week (yes, now it's her turn) with her CE2 (3rd grade) class. Yes, the teacher took 26 kids off to the Pyrenees to ski & snowshoe. This is kind of trip is very popular among schools in France - it's called Classe de Neige (snow class) - they ski, snowshoe and do a little bit school work too. I'll write more about her trip later - after she returns - I'm sure she will have plenty of stories! We sent her off early Thursday morning - nothing like being at school at 6:50 am!! She will return next Wednesday.
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Thank you in advance - Have a great weekend !
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